The handedness of an individual is the ability of an individual to make use of either the right hand or the left hand effectively. In human biology, this is called the dominant hand. This dominant hand is more stronger and faster than the other hand.
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credit: Kenny Eliason |
In this Blog post, we will be discussing on;
- What is handedness?
- Why am I am left or right handed?
- Why are some left handed people a bit ahead of right handed people in intelligence?
- Can I learn to make use of my both hands?
What is Handedness?
The handedness of an individual is often defined by his/her writing hand. it quite easy in some cases to do certain task with both hands, task such as washing your face, operation of your electronic devices, spreading your clothes on the line and lot more, can be Carried out with both hands.
However there are certain people who can write with both their hands. Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, Benjamin Franklin, Leonard da Vinci are few people who could write with both their hands.
Naturally, only about one percent of people can make use of both hands, estimating 80 millions in our world today. Since the major population of the world is right handed, all most every devices are designed for use by right handed people. This sometimes has made most left handed people learn to use them right handedly.
Why Am I Left Or Right Handed?
Handedness is determined by several factors; the brain hemisphere division of labor, prenatal vestibular asymmetry, ultrasound during Pregnancy, etc.
The most common handedness theory is the brain hemisphere division of labor.
Studies shows that in right handed people, the left brain hemisphere controls the right hand, and also controls speaking, while the right hemisphere of the brain controls the left hand, making the left brain dominance on the right hemisphere of the brain.
Since the left brain is more active than the right, it brings about right handedness.
In left handed people, this case is different. This happens in a reversed way, their right brain controls their speaking, making the right brain more effective than the left brain.
Think of this as a mirror image. Mirror displays image in a reversed way.
Genetically, there is a 26% chance that a child will be left handed. This depends on the handedness of his/her parent and progenitor.
Why Are Some Left Handed People A Bit Ahead Of Right Handed People In Intelligence?
The ability of some these people to make use of both their hands leads to an higher function of their brain.
This increases the speed, and the neuronal activities of their brain, making their brain to process information faster than that of a right handed individual.
Can I learn to make use of my both hands?
It depends. The use of both your hands is a term known as ambidexterity.
About one percent of the world population can make use of their both hands effectively, especially in writing. For instance, Albert Einstein can do this, making him one of the genius who has ever been.
Learning to write with your both hands can go a long way, but that this will affect your brain activities. Symptoms like headache, tiredness, loud ringing sound in your ear, lightheartedness or more are what you will experience.
The brain Make use of more glucose when you put it to more work, this is one of the reasons students fall sick during exams.
Make sure you take glucose often, if you are to learn to make use of both your hands.